COMPARATIVE DEGREE OF ADJECTIVES: Patterns of the Infix -um- in Toba Batak

COMPARATIVE DEGREE OF ADJECTIVES: Patterns of the Infix -um- in Toba Batak


Judul: COMPARATIVE DEGREE OF ADJECTIVES: Patterns of the Infix -um- in Toba Batak
Penulis: Dr. Esron Ambarita, S.S., M.Hum.
Tahun Terbit: 2024
ISBN: 978-623-508-136-6
Harga: 87.000
Ukuran Buku: 15,5 x 23
Jumlah Halaman: 166
Jenis Buku: Non Fiksi – Buku Umum

The infix -um- is used in Toba Batak to build comparative degree of adjectives in a variety of intricate patterns that are explored in the book “Comparative Degree of Adjectives: The Patterns of the Infix -um- in Toba Batak”. By conducting extensive study, the author examines a range of instances of this usage in Toba Batak phrases, offering readers a solid grasp of how the language conveys comparisons between different objects concerning quality or intensity. The book is a useful tool for individuals who want to learn more about the grammar and semantics of Toba Batak in the context of its culture and language, in addition to providing a clear summary of the language’s structure and patterns.
The contents of this book consist of several components, namely:
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Review of Literature
Chapter 3 The Patterns of the Infix -um- in Toba Batak Denoting
Comparative Degree
Chapter 4 Implementations of Innovations

“Comparative Degree of Adjectives: The Patterns of the Infix -um- in Toba Batak” offers a comprehensive exploration of the linguistic nuances within the Toba Batak language, particularly focusing on the formation of comparative degrees of adjectives through the use of the infix -um-. This book offers unique insights into the cultural and linguistic nuances of the dynamic language of Toba Batak, while also enhancing our understanding of grammar and semantics via the analysis of a variety of examples and patterns.


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