Al (artificial intelligence) is beneficial for companies through improving operational efficiencies, so the pharmacist could perform more in an apotek (pharmacy). Such improved services to the customer mean better results in health care.
Patients covered by health insurance will need administrative measurements for the pharmacy to claim for the cost of the medication provided through the request of doctors using a prescription. There are other clinical services like patient counselling which could be provided by the pharmacy using Al to increase health condition of the patients.
Amongst others such service is called pharmacy care. The use of technology will provide opportunities to improve services and its results in keeping the population healthy through collaboration with many parties.
Benefits of AI in an Indonesian Apotek
Benefits of AI in an Indonesian Apotek
Judul: Benefits of AI
in an Indonesian Apotek
Richard Husada
Hendranto Adhi
Harga: 79.000
Ukuran Buku: 15,5 cm x 23 cm
Jumlah Halaman: 82
Jenis Buku: Non Fiksi
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