
I Made Sena Darmasetiyawan
I Nyoman Arya Wibawa
I Wayan Mulyawan

Tahun Terbit: 2024
ISBN: 978-623-508-038-3
Harga: 80.000
Ukuran Buku: 15,5 cm x 23 cm
Jumlah Halaman: 148
Jenis Buku: Non Fiksi

Category: Tag:

This book of Psycholinguistics is intended to fit in with the course of Psycholinguistics for students at English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University. The 14 chapters arranged exactly as the lesson plan laid out for the course, which are the scope of Psycholinguistics, language perception, language representation, language recognition and comprehension, language acquisition, second language acquisition (SLA), six dimensions of second language acquisition, language teaching, language learning, case-based language teaching, experimental linguistics, language production – bilinguals, language production – meaning and context, as well as language disorder. These topics will be discussed descriptively with several practices and hints to further reading at the end of each chapter.
This book uses phenomenon in Indonesia and specifically in Bali to its advantage that encourage students on using their critical thinking and look from the outer perspective of traditional concepts and theories. Content for each chapter will ask the students to raise some important points regarding the topic in brainstorming section, quote several important concepts from recent researches, and engage the students through discussion section of any possible assumptions to the phenomenon.


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